
Liani, the kids and I were called into ministry in a fairly dramatic fashion.  After 17 years of accounting and business experience, I found myself at Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary in Wake Forest, NC.  During my studies a professor told me that when your passion and your spiritual gifts collide, you have found your ministry.  Well, my spiritual gifts are teaching, administration and leadership and my passion has always been aviation.  BINGO!  Great Commission Aviation.

The purpose behind Great Commission Aviation is to train and equip future mission pilots in light sport, experimental and non-traditional aircraft. We are now located in Sebring, Florida, fully implementing these programs.

However, we must also raise the funds necessary to teach others.  Flight training can be expensive!  We appreciate all of the prayer and financial support given.  Thank you for your help and prayers.

Jason Wilkinson

Contact us

NOTE:  Great Commission Aviation, Inc. is a Non-Profit Corporation incorporated in the State of North Carolina.  We are  a 501(c)(3) and your donations are tax deductible.

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3 thoughts on “About

  1. Harley Schrock

    Are you sure the CAA in Papua New Guinea would allow a Just Aircraft home-built plane to be used in Papua New Guinea? I spent 35 of the best years of my life there as an Independent Baptist Missionary. I learned to fly on my first furlough in 1972. I wanted to go that route and took all the information about the Kit Fox and requested of the authorities permission to do that. I was unsuccessful. I even knew the minster for Transport personally.

    I will admit that I have been away from the country since 2011. As of that date the only thing not certified that would be permitted would be the foot launched powered parachute.

    I live not too far from Seebring, FL, and have visited the January Light Sport Expo for most of the years since that new type of flying became permitted here in the USA. Yesterday I just got my flight review finished so I can now fly again under Basic Med. I did it with Harvest Aviation with Brian Smith. Having had cancer, I feared I would never be able to honestly answer the question of every doctor’s appointment and what it was about in the past nearly 5 years since a 3rd class physical.

    I have a home built project unfinished–601HDS which I intend to power with a Suzuki swift aluminum engine with Raven reduction drive.


    1. Sorry for the delay. I have found that we have to be adaptable to whatever situation arises. Some countries do not want to cooperate, others do. In some testimonials I have heard, it was a case by case basis where only God could intervene. I have a contact from North Georgia who was spend many years in PNG building airstrips. It is his passion and goal to get a Just into the country. Hope to meet you someday. I spend time with Harvest as well.

    2. Harley,

      I just spoke to a missionary from Papua who was been ministering there for many years. He stated that, yes, Indonesia has a division for Ultralight and Experimental aircraft and he is shipping a Zenith 701 that direction within a month or so.

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